The Beginning of a Journey

Hola friends!

This is my first official post and I feel like I have so much to say mainly because it was just graduation.  But in reality I don’t think I have really processed my emotions yet about graduating.  I say that because normally I cry pretty easily and I have yet to cry. Maybe my tear ducts have been turned off for now? If not, I’ll probably start crying randomly while grocery shopping or something…

I am looking forward to keeping you updated on my travels.  On the list right now I am going to Israel to lead a Birthright trip for 10 days from July 7-18.  Then on July 19 (THE NEXT DAY) I am going to Costa Rica with my family to celebrate me graduating and my brother Alex who just received his Masters’.  Then I have less than a week before I leave for Japan for a year.

Oh, and with all that packing my parents’ are planning on downsizing to a lakehouse in a few months so they asked me to start figuring out what I want to save for my future children…YIKES.

I’m not complaining (trust me) it’s just a lottttt. But I love to be busy and it will all be wonderful!


Here are some fun snap shots from recent graduation festivities!


ADPi Senior Photoshoot!
Hollywoodz (our apartments) bar crawl aka the best/craziest people I’ve met through college ❤
Dresses on da green, get at us
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Kelley the girl I babysit!!!
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The whole crew! Man, am I lucky or what?
The BEAUTIFUL t-shirt quilt my grandma made for me! I think I just might need to bring this to Japan…
Mollz and Chelc ❤
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The text I got from my mom before she dropped them off at the pet spa!




That’s all for now!  I’ll update you with the packing mayhem that’s going on and hopefully some yummy eats!

Happy Sunday 🙂


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