Packing/Unpacking/What the heck am I doing?

Happy Hump day!

Recently I have been keeping in touch with the other 2nd grade teacher who will be moving to Japan as well.  She has a blog too and I love how she is starting to incorporate Japanese into it.  I am going to start to do the same so hopefully it starts to sink in!

Konnichiwa! こんにちは

Sooo it definitely still hasn’t hit me that I graduated.  It feels like I’m home on Summer vacation just lounging by the pool.  The only thing that still really stinks is that I can’t workout normally because of my ankle 😦 Nonetheless, it feels pretty normal to be home until I look at this…


My brother isn’t too happy with me considering I’m taking up the entire 3 car garage… yes, I know it’s a little excessive. The problem is, I need to pack to go to Israel/Costa Rica/Japan while also putting away stuff to move to our potential future lakehouse.  HELPPPPPPP

But on the bright side I have a good amount of time to get it done AND I’m finally getting rid of ish that has been lying around for decades.  I found a memory box I compiled with a baby book and my mom even kept the balloon that said “It’s a Girl!” That balloon is as old as I am, wowza.

Here are some recent eats/things that make me happy to be home.

1. Chunky Monkey Green Smoothie! I normally use my Ninja at school but the Vitamix my mom has is sooo much better. It’s super easy and veryyyy yummy.  I just did about 3/4 cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk, 1/2 cup of iced coffee, 1 big handful of spinach, 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder, 3/4 frozen banana, 1/2 cup of crushed ice, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 1 tbsp almond butter, dash of nutmeg and cinnamon and blend!!! I loveeee having a shake for breakfast. Don’t get me wrong breakfast foods are my absolute favorite, but they are so refreshing and also easier to digest

Nothing like a selfie with shake right?

2. Cooking with mommy! Sunday we did a BBQ which I love. This is a leftover plate I had yesterday with marinated mushrooms, grilled fish, kale salad, and avocado, tomato, and hearts of palm salad. That was my duty 🙂 For about 7 servings (we had some company!) I used 1 1/2 jars of hearts of palm sliced them up. I used 2 1/2 avocados and cut them into chunks. Lastly I diced up about 5 red plum tomatoes and a handful of yellow cherry tomatoes. I squeezed fresh lemon juice, mixed with olive oil and some himalayan salt. NOM NOM NOM



3. Seeing friends and being outside! I got to see my friend Katie and we spent the whole day together it was sooo nice.  We layed out by my pool and then went to the lake that she belongs to and kayaked for almost an hour and a half!  There were lily pads, cat fish and an absolutely gorgeous sun shining above us 🙂

I swear I thought we were going to tip over trying to take this selfie… dedicated humans

4. MY DOGS!!! I’ve been cuddling them as much as possible because I just missed them so much.  I mean come on look at these guys…

Living the dog life
He is really good at curling up like that
Struggling in the heat !
So many spots!!!

Japan Updates:

1. My apartment has already been changed twice! Still waiting to hear back about where I’ll be living.  The first place didn’t work out because they need two apartments next to each other but they could only get one.  The second place was a great location (super close to school) but apparently it was next to a factory so there is too much noise… woof. But at least they are the ones finding the housing, I’m very lucky!

2. I have a roommate! Her name is Katiria and we already decided we are getting a car BAHHHHH.  It’s a 2002 Nissan March. It’s just a smaller silver 4 door car. Only about 40,000 something miles and looks in great condition!  She is also giving us an English speaking navigator. Uno problema: THEY DRIVE ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE ROAD. Please cross your fingers and toes that I will get the hang of that…

3. I learned a new phrase on my Rosetta Stone lesson today: “Watashi wa kyoushi desu” means “I am a teacher”. Still working on those lessons! At first I was frustrated because they kept repeating the same random phrases like “Onanako tabeta emas” (or however you spell it) which means “The boy is eating”… cool. So I started using the sticky labels at my apartment with random household items which helped a bit! I mainly remember these ones:

-foorohba = bathroom

-dainingu = dining room

-katen = curtain

-e = picture

-reizoko = refrigerator

Those are the main ones. Alright that’s all for now!

Sayōnara 🙂


One thought on “Packing/Unpacking/What the heck am I doing?

  1. Heeeeey that’s me!! 🙂 Glad we are able to chat before we meet in Japan! It will make the transition so much easier! Moved again?? Where now??? Since I hear that the Japanese breakfast is like fish broth…I might make you teach me the art of breakfast shakes…if we can find the ingredients! I wanted that March but my husband said he wanted to wait to see what the school offers 🙂 I am glad that you have it. I will get to ride in it at some point 🙂 Keep up the hard work!

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