Blast From the Past

Konnichiwa! こんにちは

So this is what my room looked like the other day…

Image… disaster

But here are some goodies I found while cleaning out the madness

1. Fake Cell Phone I used to pretend was real back in Elementary School. I remember thinking I was super cool Image


2. This HEINOUS caricature we had done after high school graduation. We named that ugly human that is supposed to be me “Phoebe”




3. GAMEBOY!!! Back before DS, iPads, Smartphones and all that jazz… this was the BEST!! I loved leap frog 🙂 Anyone else have a favorite game they used to play!?



4. This glove that goes along with the song “Old McDonald Had a Farm” casual finger puppets hahaha Image

Sooo it’s safe to say that the packing is still underway but I’ve made lots of progress! Lots of bags for goodwill and getting rid of a lot of garbage HALLELUJAH!

Fun things/Updates of the past few days:

Making dinner with Brett and Rachel!! This is a Veggie Pad Thai we followed a recipe from google but tweaked it a bit. We used brown rice noodles just cooked in boiling water. Then I sauteed up broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale, and bean sprouts in a wok before adding in the tofu! Brett made a peanut sauce and it was NOMNOMNOM.

IMG_9117 IMG_9122


We also made a butternut squash, cannellini bean, kale and chorizo soup! Veryyyy spicy from the chorizo but good 🙂


We ended the night with a bonfire and then the hot tub. It doesn’t get much better than that 🙂


Katie and I went to see my cousin Jay in the city. He is SO talented and always brings a smile to my face when I see him. Especially when I get to hear him play 🙂 Check him out:

Katie came with my parents and I got to see her apartment!


Us at dinner! We went to Spring Street Natural it was soooo yummy!
The view from her rooftop in Murray Hill!!! So beautiful.

Lastly, we ended up going to eat breakfast at an Aroma which is right by her apartment, only a couple of blocks away!!! We originally discovered it in Israel but now it is in New York, Florida, and Maryland. Their iced coffe is DA BOMB. This was my first time getting breakfast there but it was sooo good we shared a fruit cup and their power breakfast! Their salads/sandwiches are super healthy and a great quick lunch.


Molly my friend from UD came home for the weekend and she came over for Shabbat!  She helped us cook and as always we tried some new recipes and they all came out SUPERB.

Vegan Cesar salad recipe by Kimberly Snyder. We added in chick peas and shredded Brussel Sprouts!
Featured: MY PLATE! We made turkey lettuce/collard greens wrap. Just a mixture of veal/ground turkey with shitake mushrooms, peppers, onion and garlic. We also made a sesame chicken dish with green beans, cauliflower, and peppers. My favorite was the farro dish with zucchini, yellow squash, sundried tomatoes and walnuts! 🙂
Mollz loved her first Shabbat!

Quick Japan Update: As long as nothing changes, I will be living in an apartment called “Happiness”. Coming from the person who loves to smile and strives to be as positive as possible, this couldn’t be more perfect! 🙂


Sayōnara from Charlie and I 🙂



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