Day 7/8- Takayama, the heaven land

Ohayo gozaimasu! Thankfully this is our last day of trains on trains on trains because for someone like me who hates sitting still this is hard! It also puts me in my baby/grandma mode where I sleep for long periods of time and like to snack a lot.

So far here are the highlights of our transportation adventures: I bought my first bento box for lunch and it wasn’t too shabby (see below), we found the same juice bar brand we found in Kyoto station and of course had to get some, and I left behind our precious walking sticks accidentally on one of the trains (I’m very sad about this but hoping it’ll be paid forward and someone else enjoys them).

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Once we got to Takayama after a wholeeee entire day of traveling, we got a taxi to our Ryokan up in the mountains. It was FREEEZING, this was also the first station that didn’t have automatic ticket counters and it was about 1/4 of the size probably even less compared to any of the other stations we have been too. Even though the traveling is absolutely exhausting and I by no means like to be sitting for that long, I think on the bright side it really helped break up the trip a bit more. We moved around so much that I was worried I would feel like I would need a vacation after this vacation. But I think those two big travel days allowed me to nap and rest up πŸ™‚

When we were checking in the guy thought we were a bit crazy because we had a three person style room. However I’m pretty sure that that was the last available option when I booked it. This meant LOTS of room for activities! One of my favorite parts of these Japanese style rooms is that there is the low table with a tea set. I love sitting on the floor and taking some time to chat and relax over tea πŸ™‚ All of this extra space meant lots of room for Yoga!! I’ve been loving getting up in the morning and stretching, I really need to start doing that before going to school. Such a better way to start the day πŸ™‚


We realized we weren’t really close to town we were about a mile and a half away from town so it was about a 25 minute walk. We were a bit unsure of how we felt about Takayama since we got there when it was pitch dark and it was SO cold, probably in the 40’s. However, we made our way into town, and followed handy dandy google maps even though it took us through this sketchy route. Back roads of kids playing soccer outside in the dark and some creepy dog that sounded like it was going to rip us to pieces. After lots of sketchy winding dark alleys we finally found the recommended restaurant from the Lonely planet book- Suzuya.

We both ordered the same dish that was served on this mini stove that was decorate on the outside and felt like it was a mixture between clay and wood- still not quite sure what it was made out of. Then on top they placed a hoba leaf which are common in the area and they preserve them to serve their food in top of. We had ordered a mixture of mountain veggies (mushrooms, scallions, etc.) and some tofu with homemade miso that this area is well known for. It was so stinkin good we were literally licking the miso off of the leaf. It was also a very small portion and we were starving so we each ordered a second portion… No shame. We also each ordered wine that came in these wee little glasses.. Definitely hit the spot.



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Miso soup and rice
Miso soup and rice

We were the last people in the restaurant and didn’t want to leave because that meal was just too damn good. However, we forced ourselves up and made the trek back to our ryokan. Our original plan was to hike somewhere and find an outdoor onsen to make up for our other strange onsen experiences.

We woke up around 7 to get ready for our Japanese breakfast, dressed to the nines in our robes of course πŸ˜‰ This meal officially confirmed we needed a break from Japanese cuisine… I think if we had to look at another piece of fish, rice, miso, or god knows what else we would probably cry. If you have been following along throughout my journey, you might recall that I went through this same feeling of frustration when I first got here I was SO tired of stir fry… I had tried making so many different kinds but still had to avoid them for quite some time to cleanse my palate.


Anywho, after breakfast and thinking about it, in order to get to this hike we would have had to take a 3ish hour bus and it would have cost $50 per person and we really just did not want to be on a bus after spending the entire previous day on trains. This was a okay by me, we had more time to stretch/do yoga, hit up the onsen that they had, and then make our way into town for more activities.

We decided the onsen situation is kind of like goldilocks, we had to find which one was just right for us. The first one at Teruteya was super sketchy and questionably sanitary, the second one at Yunomine onsen was super traditional and authentic, this third one was the perfect mix. It was cleaner and had the same process but it was more westernized as in it kind of looked like a locker room and the onsen was more likeΒ  a big hot tub… Twas lovely.

After morning relaxation time, we headed on into town to rent bikes! Takayama is a pretty small town and very easy to walk around. We rented the bikes for an hour and decided just to zoom around wherever we could. Of course we had to stop here and there because the views were just too damn gorgeous. The weather could not have been more perfect. When we woke up I was a bit worried because it was competlrly foggy, the entire sky was white! But once we got out there the sky had completely cleared and it was perfectly blue and sunny with just enough breeze so it wasn’t too hot. All of the trees were really starting to flourish in their colors which created an unbelievable fall foliage atmosphere.

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It felt so good to be on a bike and really move after being cramped up on train all day yesterday! After our bike we started wandering through town and did what we are best at-wandering in markets and trying the foods. Like I said this town specializes in Hida beef, miso, and mochi. There were so many cute little mom and pop stores and I loved trying everything. The miso here was out of this world, I bought some from that restaurant we went to because I knew I loved it so much πŸ™‚ we also tried some of this honey that was diluted in honey water that was OUT OF THIS WORLD. I was so tempted to buy some but I knew it wasn’t really that worth it.

It really worked out perfectly that both Sherry and I were in the mood to shop because boy did we shop until we dropped. I got so many things, it was so fun! We bought matcha powder to use in my shakes or maybe even trying to make my own lattes πŸ™‚ I bought two different packets of veggies in miso sauce, one was bamboo shoots and one was cucumber…. More on that later this week! I also bought this string balls as decoration to hang in my room… Not sure how else to describe them. I found a small teacup to start using when I make tea πŸ™‚ also, I bought 2 beautiful hand dyed scarves and a headband. I think that might be it but boy was it fun!!

shopping fun :)
shopping fun πŸ™‚
how cute are these!?
how cute are these!?
my mom and I have a special thing for ladybugs, so I was thinking of her when I saw these :)
my mom and I have a special thing for ladybugs, so I was thinking of her when I saw these πŸ™‚

We had lunch at this cute little place and had soup with soba noodles and veggies…hit da spot!! Then we made our way up to this park and walked around and embraced the beautiful atmosphere, I still am not over it. Next we were on a mission for ice cream. There was this one place we really liked with funky flavor but you couldn’t try them which made us nervous. Sooo we went back to the cute little old Japanese man with the matcha powder and bought some ice cream and he even sprinkled matcha powder on top. As you can tell from this picture, our energy and happiness sky rocketed… Yes, I realize I need a break from ice cream after this week but until the week is over I shall enjoy every second.


couldn't be happier
couldn’t be happier

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We made the trek back and rested for a bit before bundling up to make the trek back downtown. It’s crazy to think that we walked probably about 9 miles between our multiple treks downtown and walking around all day, I was sore! As I mentioned, we were so tired of Japanese food so we were on the hunt for anything but Japanese. There were a bunch of Italian places in the area but they were all pretty sketchy. For example, we checked on out and no one was there, just the chef chilling on her computer. The menu was kinda blah and it smelled like cigarettes. Naturally I fell down the stairs on my way out, classic Lindsay.

We finally found this Mexican place that was also in lonely planet called Chapala. We shared guac and corn chips, a veggie salad (ice burg lettuce, cucumbers, and tomatoes in Russian dressing- bleh but I needed veggies), and we each got our own vegetarian burritos. There weren’t actually any veggies but I guess this just meant no meat. There were a tortilla, rice (we can’t escape it apparently), beans and some sort of cheese. My favorite was the guac, trying the different hot sauces, and also the Moscow mules we ordered hehe πŸ™‚

“vegetable salad”
“veggie” burritos



Overall, I LOVED Takayama. The markets were fun, I loved biking and walking around the shops, and of course the mountains and trees. It definitely reaffirmed it for me that I need to live by the water and the mountains… I love the crisp air and the feeling of being surrounded by so much beautiful nature. The night was great with lots of deep talks just about life in general, those are my favorite.

Tomorrow we head back to Nagoya!! I will miss a lot of things about this week but I’m ready to go home πŸ™‚ that means we did it right though!


Day 6- Time to get steppin’ in Kumano Kodo


After a longggg day of transportation and barely any movement, Sherry and I were most definitely ready to hike today.

I have been loving the tatami rooms because the mats are pretty much perfect for yoga. Lots of stretching this morning and even practiced my headstand to prep for my one on the mountain later! By the end of even just about 15-20 minutes I was dripping… Should have done that first and then taken my shower but oh well.

Off to breakfast we went which was quite the experience. It was western style and consisted of: “vegetable soup” which was basically vegetable broth and croutons I believe, sliced cabbage, eggs, toast, bacon and sausage, and yogurt and some berry sauce for dessert. I would normally never eat something like this but when you are about to hike and don’t have many other options- you just eat it and smile. Beggars can’t be choosers right? Right.

such a strange combo...
such a strange combo…
they substituted the meat for Sherry with french fries… classic
this is my "I can't believe I'm about to eat sausage and bacon" face
this is my “I can’t believe I’m about to eat sausage and bacon” face

The owner of the guesthouse offered to drop our luggage off to our next place we are staying at which was super helpful and nice of him to offer! We said “sayonara!” and headed towards the bus stop. It was only about a 20 minute ride and we were excited that at one of the stops other people were actually getting on!! We hadn’t seen anyone in this town and we were wondering if we were going to be the only humans hiking today.

Blue Sky Guesthouse
Blue Sky Guesthouse


We met a nice couple from Australia which was great company to have on our hike. The weather thankfully held out for us and was cloudy for the most part but no rain! It was quite humid so I was happy I went with the tank and shorts option… As well as my handy dandy sweat towel. Everything was so vividly green along the hike it was amazing I almost felt like I was in a rainforest. We also saw a bunch of crazy spiders, a baby salamander, and a wee little snake! As we kept climbing higher the clouds just kept lifting it looked like a huge fog machine was on it which was very cool to watch.

check out that fog!
check out that fog!
trees on trees
trees on trees
sweating like a mad woman
sweating like a mad woman

I was a bit nervous about my ankle but it held through! The trail rent took had a lot of slippery rocks so for me going downhill was harder than uphill because it was like a game of Tetris of where to put your feet. We were covered for the majority of the hike by the trees with the a few sprinkled viewpoints. Naturally I had to do a headstand at one of them πŸ™‚ Even though it’s not perfect it’s amazing that after about two years I feel a huge difference in my strength and control when doing a headstand… Yoga is definitely a journey as your practice.

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switching up the view!
switching up the view!

The hike took about 4 hours and we took a 25-30 minute stop for lunch. Which consisted of a rice ball and a cliff bar and some dried strawberries.. We were definitely craving a sandwich or some trail mix at this point. But we survived! We parted ways with Heather and Al, the couple and made our way into “town” which mind you consisted of some houses that looked deserted, a bus stop, and a convenience store. Even though this area was absolutely stunning I truly wonder what do the people do that live there.

On the hike the couple had their own walking sticks and not gonna lie I was quite jealous. I thought it was pretty ironic that once we finished the hike and crossed the bridge to get into “town” there was a collection of smoothly carved walking sticks that were just chillin ready to be taken. Even though it was poor timing we took one each in hopes that we could use them on our next hike in Takayama.

We bought a few snacks from the convenience store even though all we wanted was some real food… Clearly wasn’t going to be happening anytime soon though. While we we were waiting for the bus stop we got to watch the rain and the clouds moving on top of the mountain which was quite majestic.

Like I’ve mentioned I’m quite great at falling asleep practically anywhere so I’ve missed a lot of the scenery on our rides. All we could think about was a nice dinner and a warm onsen… We were beat after our about 10 mile hike. We got to our stop at Yunomine Onsen and it was pretty darn sketchy. It seemed that there was a handful of these Ryokans surrounding this stream that all looked like worn down houses. We put on our slippers that were not as comfy as they have been at other places and made our way up to our ryokan room that was just kind of meh and sketchy as you can tell from this welcome to wakayama picture…

the classiest...
the classiest…

So we put up some green tea before heading down to the so called onsen. This onsen was debatable on how sanitary it was. It was essentially a hole in the ground in this ladies basement. But we thought, we are only here once we have to do it right? First of all, it was BURNING hot. Like seriously I could barely get my toes in. The water is all natural coming from the ground and is brought in by pipes. We had to turn the cold water on to make it a little more bearable and eventually we were able to soak completely.

As I’ve mentioned before the towel situation here in Japan is a joke. They either have extremely small regular towels or apparently using a hand towel to dry your whole body is a thing which was what this place offered… Why?! Just why is all I want to know. It makes it take so freaking long and wasteful because I need at least two towels… Oh Japan there are some things I will never understand.

After our so called onsen bathing we took a shower which was next to the whole in the ground as I watched the mosquitoes flying around and praying they wouldn’t bite me… Sounds fun right? We put on our robes (which I actually LOVE and want to invest in a robe of my own) and headed down to dinner. The only other people at this place was another couple here from Germany. Our dinner was very interesting and if you know me you probably won’t even believe what I am about to tell you I ate… Mom if you’re reading this you may just want to skip over it because fair warning it was most definitely not kosher.

The table was covered with lots of small dishes of lots of different things which were: a fish that still had a head and a tail (the kind of fish is unknown), a burner with mushrooms, cabbage and duck, tofu within some sauce and scallions, rice, some veggie plate with a little bit of everything with their own sauces. Then she presented something and said “sashimi” and I got so excited because it looked like tuna. FISH I KNEW YAY! But no, I asked if it was tuna and it was actually deer meat.

mystery fish
mystery fish
robes for days
robes for days
that pumpkin doe...
that pumpkin doe…
plain soup but so yummy
plain soup but so yummy
strange yogurt...
strange yogurt…

Since everything was in such small portions and I had missed actual good real food all day (plus I would probably NEVER order those things in my life) I figured I would be a risk taker and go for it. The fish actually wasn’t too bad, and the duck and deer tasted like steak. Overall not too bad just not the best either. We chatted with the other couple for a while longer and they mentioned going to the public onsen just a minute walk away.

Even though we had washed up already and didn’t feel like going out it was still only 7:45 PM with nothing else to do we figured we needed to check it out. We were also hoping it would redeem the other onsen down in this woman’s dungeon. We went out in our robes and wore the traditional wooden clogs that we have seen the geisha wearing. Damn those things are hard to walk in! I swear I almost killed myself walking down the huge staircase. They have two wooden cylinders on the bottom of the shoes which makes it incredibly hard to balance while walking. Why people still use them in 2014 is beyond me. But when in Japan one must walk to the onsen in a robe and wooden clogs.


We get to the onsen and first were were trying to figure out how to pay. There s a vending machine type of thing that you can pick what option you want like how many people and how long. But no one was at the counter to help so we said screw it and just went on in. We knew we were in the right place when a Japanese woman stuck her head out with boobs out and all shouting directions to us in Japanese trying to tell us what to do. We put our clothes in a locker and had to wash ourselves first to cleanse before going in the onsen. This one was definitely a lot nicer but basically just a big square hot tub. It wasn’t as brutally hot as the other one thank goodness but we both were kind of over the old naked Japanese women slash have a hard time sitting still so I really don’t think we lasted more than ten minutes.

It had started to rain so we had to hold onto each other for support as we walked back to the ryokan. We ended up opening a bottle of wine we bought from a convenience store and I was teaching sherry how to do my headstand. She started to get it, so exciting! Then we called it a night and hit our tatami mats which we have gotten used to, it’s like a slumber party every night I really enjoy it actually πŸ™‚

Tomorrow is a big traveling day-bus from Yunomine onsen to KiiTanabe station, then to Nagoya station, lastly to Takayama station! We are heading towards the Japan alps for hopefully more hiking and an outdoor more exquisite onsen!

More updates soon!

Sayonara πŸ™‚

Day 5- Queens of Transportation

Ohayo gozaimasu!

So yesterday was mainly spent on trains and buses sadly. We were a bit hesitant about the long journey to Kumano Kodo since the weather wasn’t looking too good. We had to take a train from Aarishyama back to Kyoto with 2 transfers. Then we took a train to Shin-Osaka, then from there took another train to KiiTanabe.

this place knows WHAZZUP
this place knows WHAZZUP
such a good combo
such a good combo

We got there with some time before our bus to Kumano Kodo which was actually perfect to explore their mini town a bit. There was a tourist information station where we were able to stop and ask about where we should eat to find a place good for Sherry.



We started walking and rolling with our suitcases and thankfully the restaurant wasn’t too far away. Everything was in Japanese and there wasn’t much Katakana for me to read so we weren’t sure what was what based on the map they gave us. At this point we were quite hungry and decided to just pick this one little place that looked good and turns out it was the place they recommended!

There was no one else in the restaurant thankfully so we didn’t feel too uncomfortable charging on in with all our baggage. We took our shoes off and sat down to figure out what to order. Luckily they had English menus and we ended up sharing some Inari, cucumber roll, pickled plum and spring roll, and I had a tuna roll. Everything was quite tasty! They also served us green tea with our meal which I love πŸ™‚ They were very welcoming and the food was delicious so it was a great pick. This was also the first time since I’ve been in Japan where I have had sushi twice in one week… Very uncommon for me since I’ve been here.

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We wandered around a bit longer on the hunt for some Japanese dessert or perhaps some ice cream (our favorite). Everywhere we went they had these pickled plums which are SUPER intense, even just thinking about them makes my mouth pucker up because they almost taste sour. Finally we found our favorite green tea ice cream which always makes us happy campers! On the way to the bus stop we also were on the hunt for our new found favorite, green tea liqueur. Sadly, they didn’t have any just lots and lots of plum wine. We bought a bottle of green tea plum wine because we were worried what we might find drink wise in Kumano Kodo area.

pickled plums.. NOT my thang
pickled plums.. NOT my thang
green tea ice cream = happy girls
green tea ice cream = happy girls

On the bus we went and it was actually a really cool ride! It was about 2ish hours and was neat because it winded between the mountains with fantastic views. My only problem is that I have a ridiculously hard time staying awake in any moving vehicle… It puts me straight to sleep so I kept dozing off. But I did snap some cool pictures!


such vibrant colors!
such vibrant colors!


We almost missed our bus stop and thankfully the bus driver was nice enough to turn around so we could go back. We stayed at a place called Blue Sky Guesthouse which I highly recommend if you ever go to this area of Japan. It was only a one minute walk from the bus stop and a fairly new facility. The owner came out to greet us, helped us bring our luggage in, showed us around and informed us we were the only ones staying there that night. He could not have been more welcoming and accommodating. Right away he asked us about our route and gave us some maps and made a suggestion for us to hike the next day. He also informed us that for dinner our options were to buy things from the nearby convenience store and cook at the guesthouse or there is a cafe that is close that he could call and ask them to stay open for us.

It’s funny how we thought Aarashiyama was empty because this was a whole new level. There were very few cars and it felt like we were completely in the middle of no where. We went to the convenience store to see what they had and immediately we were like “uhhhhh …” There were some veggies available, drinks, snacks, and strange pre-cooked foods. We decided to pick up some water and persimmons for the hike and hoped the cliff bars Sherry has and our leftover rice balls would keep us satisfied.

Since there wasn’t much of an option of what to do for dinner from the convenience store we figured why not try the cafe. It was an AMAZING surprise.. I was expecting maybe some tea, and attempted western foods perhaps. But no! Turns out that the owners are vegetarians and they had this absolutely exquisite menu and presented it in an impeccable manner.

the cute little couple πŸ™‚


We ordered this set that came with soba noodles with some concoction of soy sauce and scallions, pickled veggies, yellow curry beans, tofu, some sort of jelly and fruit Japanese dessert. It was all sooo nomtastic and fresh! We also were able to get a nice half bottle of red wine that went quite nicely with the meal. We couldn’t resist the dessert special which was vanilla ice cream with sweet potatoes, rum sauce, raisins and cinnamon… Is your mouth watering yet?!

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There was also quiet and relaxing music playing in the background which was lovely. The thought of leaving this adorable cafe, amazing food, and the cute couple cooking for us was really hard. But we pulled ourselves out of our chairs and walked back to the guesthouse. We enjoyed our plum wine and didn’t hate hitting the hay nice and early since we had a long hike ahead of us the next day.

plum wine!
plum wine!
even the stars knew what was up with Kumano Kodo…

I’ve actually realized I really like the tatami mats! It’s almost like you’re having a mini slumber party. This one had a very comfy and fluffy comforter but the actual tatami mat wasn’t as comfortable as the one in Kyoto. The pillow was also kind of meh. I also really love the heated seats on the toilets… I wish I had one in my apartment in Nagoya! They should have that everywhere πŸ™‚

Sayonara for now!

Day 4- Aarashiyama the Wetlands


This morning was the best breakfast we have had yet! Not to complain about the cliff bars, I have been loving them but I have officially had a traditional Japanese breakfast!

We woke up, I did my stretches and quick yoga, threw on our robes and headed down to breakfast. In our set was the following: rice and seaweed, salmon, pickled vegetables, miso soup, tofu, egg, and tea, water, coffee (please notice my fine skills of triple fisting here).

bye bye wonderful Watazen!
bye bye wonderful Watazen!
Japanese breakfast!
Japanese breakfast!

It was such a unique place we stayed at I actually didn’t want to leave. It also didn’t take long to realize that we probably shouldn’t have. We made the trek to Arashiyama and at first we had a mini panic attack because when I put it in my phone google maps it said it was a little less than 2 hours away by walking. We thought maybe we were in the wrong place or something. But thankfully I realized that it somehow thought our current location was still back in Kyoto from the previous night. It was only about a ten minute walk but the scared moments continued. We went straight to the hotel soon to find out it was a hostel and no was there.

Thank goodness for my students mom, Hiroko who called them for us and we foundΒ  out they own a cafe down the road that opens at 10:30. Not sure the affiliation or how they run their business, but they allowed us to keep our luggage at the cafe for the day so we could go explore.

We had a quick matcha smoothie as we realized it was starting to pour… Another big womp. We quickly realized that Aarishyama is quite empty and would probably have been better as a day trip, but either way it was raining and we were there so time to make the best of it!

hello to Musubi-An
hello to Musubi-An

It was definitely a relief that they took our luggage so we could wander around without having to worry about that. We started walking in the very small town and towards the nearby temples. As we were wandering we admired the beautiful trees that are all starting to change colors! We stopped in this doorway to take a picture and I asked a couple passing by to take it for us. It turns out that they live in the same area as sherry! They live in Oakland, California and they have also been using the same Lonely planet book we have been using. It was very nice to chat with some new people and share our Japan struggles as we wandered towards the famous bamboo grove. It was so cool! It just kept going and going and it reminded me of being in Avatar… I loved it πŸ™‚

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Then we kept on walking around and I couldn’t help but snap pics of all of the trees.. Seriously the best part in my opinion. After that it was time for lunch and the bamboo grove was getting crowded. It was also quite comical to see that people were getting cabs up into the grove… Really?? Oh Japan. We also saw lots of school groups there so I wonder if it was a field trip of some sort? Pretty interesting.

my new friends
my new friends
I'll spare you the 100's of pictures of trees and just show you a few :)
I’ll spare you the 100’s of pictures of trees and just show you a few πŸ™‚
school trip or is this a regular thing?
school trip or is this a regular thing?


bamboo grove!
bamboo grove!

We ended up getting udon soup for lunch which was very tasty! It was pretty plain with scallions and this maple leaf that was kinda squishy and I actually have noooo idea what it was. After lunch we headed back out into the cold, wet, horrible rain to make the trek towards the golden temple. It was absolutely breathtaking and after seeing many many shrines and temples that all look very similar, this certainly changed it up a bit! It started to get super crowded though, the rain was coming down harder, and Sherry’s shoes had seen better days.

yummy yummy!
yummy yummy!
it even looked beautiful in the rain!
it even looked beautiful in the rain!

We moved as fast as our little legs could to catch the bus back to the train station. (the amount of times I have been on public transportation this week is actually crazy) Once we made it back we headed back to the cafe and thankfully they offered to drive our luggage but there was no room for us. We walked again as fast as we could to meet them down the road at the so called “hostel”. I still don’t really understand what this place does. They have a cafe down the road and this “hostel” at the other end. But it seemed more like a house with rooms that they rent and they probably actually make money because there is maybe only one other option to stay at in this area.

It was just so strange that no one was there to greet us, he left us waiting outside in the rain waiting for him, we had to buy towels, and our so all allied western style room was a spring-y mattress on the floor… YIKES. Thankfully there was another group staying there so we weren’t alone- it was a middle aged man with 2 young daughters who were ADORABLE.


she insisted on drinking her tea from her hand haha
she insisted on drinking her tea from her hand haha
how cool is this table!? I would love to have one like this :)
how cool is this table!? I would love to have one like this πŸ™‚

We were soaking wet from the rain so after a nice warm shower and new clothes I was a happy camper. We hung out for a bit and had some tea while playing with the little girls. We were hoping to maybe go into Kyoto again to eat/drink in that same area we were at butttt it was still pouring which didn’t sound too appealing. There was a restaurant they recommended nearby or the musubi cafe which they own. It actually seemed like they had good food but we figured we would try something new.

Turns out we were the only Americans there and were lucky enough that the man at the table behind us could speak some English. He basically ordered for us and we ended up having great food and 3 bottles of Japanese wine. We had cold tofu with scallions and some soy sauce, a white fish (the first time Sherry could try some!), these potato fried balls (sounds gross but was boss), edamame, fish that I didn’t like, an interesting salad, and agadashi tofu which was my first time having that.

NO idea what this was and I did NOT like it.

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giggles as the guy behind us fell while trying to order behind us... just a wee drunk
giggles as the guy behind us fell while trying to order behind us… just a wee drunk

Turns out the staff from our hostel/cafe whatever it is was there! So you know it’s a sign that it’s good when they decided to go there too.


After that we hit the hay and tomorrow off to Kumano Kodo for some hiking and hopefully lots of sunshine!!!

To be continued…

Day 3- Kyoto, Culture at it’s Finest

Ohayo gozaimasu from the Shinkansen!

We are on our way to Kyoto and I can’t wait! I’ve really been enjoying practicing my Japanese as much as possible here. I’m also very happy that sherry and I have very similar tastes when it comes to traveling. We are good at going with the flow, love and truly appreciate good food, like to explore rather than do touristy things all the time, and take risks and do random things!

We got up at a reasonable time, ate a cliff bar courtesy of Sherry (she works for Clif Bar in California), got a green tea latte Starbucks style which was delicious and I wish I could rewind it back right now. We got on our Shinkansen and headed straight to Tokyo.

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Today was probably the smoothest transition to a new place. We were able to check in our luggage early at the ryokan which was only about a 10 minute walk from the train station. Then we headed straight to this nearby market that was super cool. It was bumpin with lots of people and all different kinds of things like flowers, pickled veggies, sushi, fried things, you name it and it was probably there. We wanted to see all of our options so we walked all the way down and then back. After 45 minutes of being indecisive and finding something that works we ended up getting sushi which was pretty darn good! I believe only one of my pieces of sushi had fish since it was an assortment but I still enjoyed it. I tried inari which is tofu wrapped around rice, surprisingly was my first time having it.

pickled veggies!
pickled veggies!
the market!
the market!
one of the cute doorways!
one of the cute doorways!


After lunch outside we headed to Southern Higashiyama to start a walking tour. It was really surprising how freaking crowded this area was. Lots of people dressed up in kimonos and I would love to know are they actually geishas or just playing dress up? Not so sure. This area also had a LOT of green tea everything- mostly ice cream with plastic ice cream cones everywhere you went. That is apparently one of their specialities along with tofu and Yatsuhashi which is my new absolute favorite Japanese dessert. It’s funny because when I first got here I really wasn’t a fan. Most of them are jelly or are very sweet which is not my thang. But the Yatsuhashi is made of mochi which is beaten rice and then the inside they use red bean paste. Sounds gross but believe me so stinkin good.

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making Yatsuhashi!
making Yatsuhashi!
how funny are these?
how funny are these?

We followed one of the walking tours in her Lonely Planet book which lasted about four hours once we finished completely. We got to see lots and lots of temples and shrines along the way. We also stumbled upon this GINORMOUS Buddha. He wasn’t even mentioned in her book but holy cow check this out!

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We had to pay to get inside but check this guy out!!
We had to pay to get inside but check this guy out!!

We also found this quiet street that was super pretty and peaceful. There were geishas wandering about and also lots of pretty trees. I have discovered this week that I have an obsession with trees apparently. Looking back to my photos and what I mainly see is trees! But I don’t hate it. Another real cool thing about this area was that there was a bunch of traditions that we got to try. Like this one little statue of stone children you could rub the for good luck in your love life. Or this little Buddha that you rub his belly and head for good luck! There was an ox that you could rub a certain part of their body that needed healing… My knees have been bothering me and my ankle since the surgery so may the magical ox heal them! There was also this little temple that it said to walk around three times for good luck… We should definitely be having some good luck come our way after all of these traditions right!? I sure hope so.

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they all kinda look the same right?
they all kinda look the same right?
happy happy Buddha!
happy happy Buddha!

After the temples and shrines we made our way towards Gion which is a more traditional area of Kyoto. We saw two geishas and it was the funniest thing because as soon as they came out people came running towards them taking pictures like they were paparazzi. The rushed into the cabs and the taxi driver was covering them almost as if to protect them.. Just a normal day as a geisha.



We wandered down a bit more and saw this street with a little canal and lots of restaurants and bars with paper lanterns lit up it was beautiful. Then we passed over this bridge with a breathtaking beautiful view of the sunset. After that we headed back to our ryokan to shower up and get ready for dinner. This was our first real Japanese accommodation and it was AWESOME. Very clean and nice with our own bathroom and there was a table with some Yatsuhashi along side with tea waiting for us πŸ™‚ our favorite! We showered up and headed to a recommended place Hinaka, for dinner. We had a bit of a hard time finding this place but I’m glad we didn’t give up because it was NOMTASTIC. There were lots of hidden alleys and restaurants with less English than most places I’ve been here in Japan.

how pretty?!
how pretty?!

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We ordered sesame tofu, spring rolls with tuna, fried tofu with vegetables, some rice balls and fried yuba with avocado. The serving sizes were a bit smaller but I like it that way so we can order more things an try a bit of each. We also had a lovely bottle of wine that was nice and light and went nicely with our meal.

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For dessert we were adventurous yet again and went for tofu ice cream with cheese cake and black sesame ice cream. I know these both sound pretty wild and out there but I thoroughly enjoyed them both! I guess you never know until you try πŸ˜‰


After that we were on the hunt for some expat bars. We tried going to this one recommended place but we went up the elevator and there was a construction sign… Womp womp womp. We then said screw the guide and were just going to try to go into a place based on the noise. Except it turns out a lot of places were hidden behind doors or downstairs. Hence why we made the mistake of wandering down some stairs and the bartender saw us and it would’ve been quite rude to leave so we we essentially trapped. We ordered a drink, I got a green tea drink which turned out to have ice cream on it and sherry had a cocktail that was apparently their speciality and cost about $15. They also gave us each a truffle which was to dieeee for. Even though it was great and all the company of the Japanese bartender and the two Japanese girls sitting next to us wasn’t hitting the spot of wanting to meet more people so we ventured onward.

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We tried walking around but couldn’t really find anything so we ended up just coming back, snuggling into our tatami mats and calling it a night. Granted it was a Sunday and we tried really hard, it was still an amazing day. I may or may not have had ice cream three times but we also did about four hours of walking and you’re only in Kyoto, land of green tea ice cream apparently every once in a while so you’ll (you only live once) right?? Right.


Day 1&2- Tokyo on Warp Speed

Konnichiwa world!

Sorry for the brief hiatus in posting, I’ve been traveling around Japan with my cousin! But don’t worry, I wrote as we went along so stay tuned for the delayed posts on my travels! Here’s entry numero uno…

Boy oh boy I can’t tell you how happy I was once Friday rolled around. I think both the kiddos and myself were on the exact same page of how ready we were to have a hardcore BREAK. I walked home as fast as I could, and did some last minute things to prepare for Tokyo! I have that really bad habit of shoving things into my suitcase last minute… When will I ever learn to pack right? I blame you mom for this one it’s a gift and a curse. We are always prepared but almost always packed to the brim. Oh well, it’s a learning experience right?

One of the moms of my students (Hiroko) was nice enough to drive me down to the station just like last time I went to Tokyo. She lives downtown so it’s pretty much on the way and was nice to be in an actual car and not switching from multiple transportation methods. Hiroko has been an angel in helping me plan this trip with Sherry. She started helping me over a month ago and I bet you if we had more time we could’ve planned for another whole month. Mainly because there is so damn much to do here AND getting around in most places can be quite complicated if you’re not familiar with the area/barely speak Japanese.

I was a bit disappointed that on my bullet train I couldn’t sleep due to the one and only crying baby that was sitting directly behind me. Oh well. But, I did have the nice company of the man pictured below.


Sherry actually beat me to the hostel (same one I stayed at last time) and that was the best hug I’ve had in a while. I missed her a lot and was just so happy to see her. I had to keep pinching myself because I couldn’t actually believe she was here.

cheeeeesin' :)
cheeeeesin’ πŸ™‚

After changing quickly we were off and on our way to Shibuya! We were trying to find this sushi place but since it was later it was already closing =\ The debate was between some Japanese restaurants with questionable plastic food in display cases OR this Spanish tapas place called Bikini tapa. The main game changer here was that the tapas place had wine… GOOD wine. As I’ve mentioned before the drink situation here for me is a bit tricky. I don’t really like beer, whiskey, or sake and other than that there is rarely wine. Even if there is, it usually is not so great.

Shibuya in it's craziness
Shibuya in it’s craziness

With that said, we were sold on the wine! It actually turned out to be a lovelyyyy meal and we thoroughly enjoyed our bottle of red wine πŸ™‚ we had all of the following plates:

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I also found out a little tradition that sherry does is that she keeps the corks from wine bottles and writes the date and who she was with and saves them. She said she sometimes puts them in a vase but you could make them into lots of other things too. I LOVE this idea and might have to start doing this myself! I’m also hoping to find more wine here so I can be apart of her collection slash I just miss it so much.

After dinner we were actual zombies- we probably could have fallen asleep while standing. Yikes. So I don’t think we actually saw the famous Shibuya crossing but hey there will be a next time so I’m not too worried. We come home and passed out right away. Sherry said she woke up a few times but so far has been a CHAMP when it comes to being jet lag. I swear it took me at least two weeks in the beginning and I still remember that glorious day when I could finally sleep past 6 AM.

Yesterday was our first full day and honestly I still can’t believe how much we actually did… We were like traveling ninja superheroes essentially. But I’ll let you decide for yourself.

We were debating for a while if it was worth it to get to the famous Tsukiji market around 4/5 AM to see the actual auction and I couldn’t be more happy that sherry was okay with getting there later… That’s a wee bit early for a Saturday morning plus eating fish. But that’s just me.


Can you spy the woman up top just observing everyone!?
Can you spy the woman up top just observing everyone!?

We got there once the auction was done and that area was closed but there is a huge market right on the outskirts. So many little streets to walk down and explore. Anything from fish, nuts, dried fruit, sushi, mochi, sake, you name it and it was probably there. Oh even daiso (dollar stores) like stores that sold random stuff like plastic containers. We did our fair share of sampling which is my favorite. Sherry actually doesn’t really like fish so it was pretty great seeing her reactions to some of the fish. My only regret was that I wasn’t hungry enough to eat an actual meal so next time I go I want to have sushi for breakfast! It looked like it would be so fresh.

If only I had been more hungry!!
If only I had been more hungry!!

We were also pretty amused by these Segway like carts- I think they were enjoying themselves…

After a while the market started to get too crowded for our liking so we headed to Hama-rikyu to check out the gardens. Sadly there really wasn’t anything too crazy; the leaves aren’t in full color yet and not too many flowers. But the weather was BEAUTIFUL, my favorite kind of weather when the sun is shining but there is a light breeze πŸ™‚ we walked around as much as we could, did a quick headstand hehe, and then went to this little tea house.

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teaaaaa time!
teaaaaa time!


There was an older one that was the original which looked very cool but it is not open to the public. Instead, there is a new one that was kind of in the middle of the water that was absolutely lovely. There was seating outside, an open balcony and tatami mats inside which is what we chose. We picked one of the recommended sets that came with some green tea and a Japanese sweet only for 500 yen (about $5). We tried following the instructions for the proper way to drink the tea but who knows if we actually did it right. Japanese sweets are actually growing on me I’m not really sure how to describe what we had but it was delicious and the perfect amount. I would love to know how they made the green tea but it was super frothy and almost tasted like a green lea latte… NOMTASTIC. I am officially a green tea lover… In all shapes and forms.

After the gardens we headed to Harajuku which was quite the experience. It was so stinking crowded and I think this was Sherry’s first “I hate japan moments” which I could totally empathize with. This area was SUPER crowded and the trains were also starting to get more crowded. No one likes to be squeezed like a sardine or pushed around for that matter. People also kept bumping into us and not saying sorry… Very ironic when they are usually so polite about everything else.

ANYWHO this is harajuku street!! It was not real life. People were dressed in the most bizarre things like blue hair and rhinestones and crazy makeup. I don’t think was Halloween for them though… This was a normal day. There were also a lot of cats everywhere I still don’t really understand what the fascination with them is. That street itself was pretty wild and crazy so I’m glad we got to see that!

this doesn’t even sum it up… Sherry took all the other unique ones on her camera!

After that we were getting hangry (hungry-angry) and needed to find food fast. This is where Sherry had her second “I hate japan” moment. We went to a recommended place by her lonely planet book and it looked very Japanese so we went for it. We knew we had to switch it up and actually eat Japanese food since we had Spanish tapas the night before (hehe). This was cool and traditional where you take off your shoes and sit on the floor on a tatami mat. There were only set options and for sherry it was harder because she doesn’t eat meat and only cooked fish, there weren’t too many options. One set was mainly fried things and the other had meat and fish. Good thing there was a little bit of everything but mine came with miso soup, rice, some kind of fish, something that tasted like celery in jello form, and tuna sashimi. I actually loved it! Hopefully we will be able to find more options for her throughout the trip.

inside the restaurant
inside the restaurant
view from lunch
view from lunch
quick selfie :)
quick selfie πŸ™‚

After lunch we went to an area called Yanaka and walked around for quite some time. There was a route to follow in her book and we got a bit lost but that’s what keeps things exciting right?! We got to see a lot of temples which was cool. We walked a LOT yesterday… I told you we were traveling ninja superheroes.

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Next destination: Asakusa! I went here last time but it was so much cooler at night and I’m really glad we went. The sensoji temple and paper lanterns were all lit which gave it a much cooler vibe. We walked around the market that is there and the best part was GREEN TEA GELATO! We were both crashing at this point after such a long day so gelato was the perfect pick me up πŸ™‚ there were soooo many options for favors I just want to get everything! I ended up deciding on coffee and green tea which was pure heaven in my mouth.

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casual plastic woman on the roof
casual plastic woman on the roof

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I also found out what those papers tied on the poles are for! I saw people doing something by it last time but I wasn’t sure what it was. You put a 100 yen coin in and shake this thing and grab a stick. That stick matches up to a little drawer filled with fortunes. It it’s a good on you keep it or if it’s a bad one you fold it up and tie it on the pole to make sure the gods watch after you. Mine wasn’t good but sherry had a good one! Better luck next time for me I guess πŸ™‚

After we finished up in that area we headed back to the hostel and showered and rested up for a bit. Since it was a bit later we didn’t want to make the same mistake of places closing up like the night before. We went to a place nearby that the name is questionable and I’m pretty sure it was Chinese not Japanese food. I think the waitresses hated us from the beginning because 1. We had to move because the people next to us were smoking 2. We tried to find out about vegetarian options for Sherry … So they put us in a corner table by the front. I guess that’s what happens when you’re an American who asks too many questions.

We ordered a decent amount of food for a pretty good price of only about $46! W had gyoza (dumplings) which were Deelish. We shared two vegetarian dishes:
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Then I was still kind of hungry and I wanted soup and was hoping for spicy miso soup but turns out I’m pretty sure this was just hot and sour soup. Still hit the spot though! We also each had 2 glasses of white wine which was questionable of where it came from but it was only 300 yen a glass so why not.


the rice Sherry ordered, not too shabby!
the rice Sherry ordered, not too shabby!

After dinner we headed to Shinjuku to go out even though all both of us wanted to do after that filling meal and long day was SLEEP. But when you only have one full day in Tokyo, you gotta rally. We were on the hunt for this Australian expat bar but somehow we stumbled into Kabukicho area which is the red light district area. Super sketchy and I’m very glad I wasn’t alone. Somehow we made our way to the right area which is called Golden Gai and found the bar called araku! This street was really cool because each bar was literally a hole in the wall where only a few people could sit inside! I had never seen anything like that.

This one was upstairs so it had a bit more room but still pretty small. There was a bar with a few seats and some stools and a couch where other people were hanging. We were so excited for wine but considering they didn’t advertise what wine it actually was we thought it was safer to go with a different option. We each got 2 green tea drinks and like I said I’m officially hooked. I can’t wait to buy this in Nagoya! I tried both of the different options- one was more of a dessert thin mint Girl Scout taste of green tea liquor and milk and the other was green tea liqueur, soda, and lemon juice. They were so damn good.

red shag carpet walls on the way upstairs
red shag carpet walls on the way upstairs
the bar area! I loved looking at the notes that people left from all over the world :)
the bar area! I loved looking at the notes that people left from all over the world πŸ™‚

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We also met a nice man, Christian from the Netherlands who is here studying neuroscience at a university. Right beforeΒ midnight we rushed back so we could make the train and were zombies once again.

So traveling ninja super heroes right?Β  More on Kyoto tomorrow!



Konnichiwa! こんにけは

Happy hump day everyone! Today was a longggg day. Sports Day is a Japanese holiday where most dad’s have off and from what I’ve been told it’s celebrating being fit and healthy! Most schools will have a sports day (like field day in America) and the parents can come in and watch since they have off from work.

It really was fun cheering on the kids and seeing them get to interact with other grades. There were four teams: red, yellow, green and blue. I was on the red team and we came in 4th womp womp. BUT each team was a collection of kids from each grade which I thought was really cool! Another new part of it this year was that the 5th grade were the ones pretty much running the show. They put together the schedule and helped explain the activities. They were the role models and did quite a fantastic job πŸ™‚ We did some games I have never seen before like a sling shot water balloon into a parachute… twas fun in case you were wondering!

But lots of standing and cheering, hence why I’m already in bed at 7:30 PM.

I can’t believe it’s halfway through October already… literally blows my mind where the time goes. Brings me back to my driving question- WHAT SHOULD I BE FOR HALLOWEEN!? Katiria and I keep joking about the following things but haven’t made moves on anything.

this is one big LOL
this is one big LOL- the kids would go BONKERS

Today during lunch I was practicing my Katakana by reading the names of the Pokemon as they played. They are obsessed! I remember those days πŸ™‚

or this...
or this… we might scare the kids away though

Sunday night I finally got to put my new rice paper wraps to use!!

veggie heaven...
veggie heaven…
finish product!!!
finish product!!!

This was the first time that I stir-fried some garlic, ginger, honey tofu to add to the wraps for protein. It tasted GREAT but since they had extra moisture it made the wraps a bit harder to wrap and also soggy the next day =/ Next time I would probably stick to keeping it on the side! Always a learning experience right?!

my new yoga haven :)
my new yoga haven πŸ™‚

It doesn’t look nearly as nice in the picture but I’ve been loving doing yoga with my new lamp on and candles lit when it’s dark outside. I did it earlier in the week when the typhoon was hitting and it was so relaxing πŸ™‚

Speaking of relaxing, my mom has been sending me pictures of the lakehouse as they are busy bees working hard! This view is absolutely breathtaking though…

can't wait until next summer!!
can’t wait until next summer!!
Alex in awe?
Alex in awe?

Two new meals in the mix this week were:

baked miso salmon with roasted sweet potato and mushrooms with sauteed miso broccoli and avocado on the side.
baked miso salmon with roasted sweet potato and mushrooms with sauteed miso broccoli and avocado on the side.
Chicken curry with garlic naan!
Chicken curry with garlic naan!

One day I would love to learn to make my own naan but this wasn’t too shabby! No where NEAR Pariwar but the spices from India definitely made it taste superrrr nomΒ πŸ™‚

Random outside of school activities: gettin’ crafty. My next project is a dreamcatcher!! I’ve always wanted to make my own but have never actually done it. You need to find twigs or bendable sticks from a craft store which I’ve never been able to find. The twigs here though are quite bendy! It came out pretty abstractΒ but I’m going to try to make it work! I need more yarn, feathers and beads to add onto it πŸ™‚

work in progress...
work in progress…

Tonight mid-week dinner was at Kappa, the classic bullet train sushi place. I tried a new roll today!


We all wanted to split a dessert and they had added a bunch of new ones. This one was spelt as Zhajiangmian (fried sauce noodle) but I hoped for the best it was pumpkin pie and it sure was! Perfect size to split between 3 people for just a few bites πŸ™‚

lost in translation...
lost in translation…
actually pumpkin pie
actually pumpkin pie woo!

I can’t believe just 2 more days until Fall break!! I remember just this summer my cousin, Sherry and I were talking about how excited we were for this trip! Time has really flown and I couldn’t be more excited to spend this break with some family. I have been a bit stressed trying to plan things BUT I’m hoping that just means once we are there I will be stress-free and enjoy every little moment! πŸ™‚ We are meeting in Tokyo then Kyoto, Osaka, Aarashiyama, Kumano Kodo, Takayama and then back to Nagoya! Going to be quite the busy week so keep a lookout for a new post when I come back!!

Sayonara for now πŸ™‚


Happy Tomorrow :)

Konnichiwa! こんにけは

This post title was inspired by my Grandma! It was recently her birthday and she has decided to start embracing the saying, “Happy Tomorrow”. I like this as a way of cherishing each day and looking forward to the future πŸ™‚

Anywho, here’s a recap on the week …

mexican night is the best kind of night
mexican night is the best kind of night

Anything that involves guac, salsa and hot sauce… count me IN.

this is my house wife
this is my house wife
okay stars, I see you
okay stars, I see you

So I was recently having a venting session to my mom about how I feel I get frustrated here because I just don’t know where to go to find exciting new places. A lot of people just do their own thing and I guess I’ve been too scared to just be ballsy and say let’s do it. But even the stars are telling me, go out and do it!! So I guess I should start listening…

My mom has been sending me update pictures on the new lakehouse!!! So exciting!

Bob the builder
Bob HowardΒ the builder
doin WERK
doin WERK

It blows my mind to think that the house should be done a week before my parents come here to go to Thailand… talk about fast transitions!!

In other news, I am trying out the free 30 days of Amazon Prime and it is a problem. I know my friend Chelcie has gone through this too but since it’s free shipping- I just want to buy everything!!! I find myself searching for things to figure out what I could possibly need… yes I know this is a problem. BUT I also find it a good way to practice reading the Katakana on the website! My most recent purchases were a light, rice paper wraps, and some probiotics… three peas in a pod right?

new lamp!! Getting a lightbulb today so I can finally use it!!
new lamp!! Getting a lightbulb today so I can finally use it!!
I CAN'T wait
I CAN’T wait

Chelcie taught me how to make these bad boys and I will be making them tonight!! SO fresh, healthy and yummy!! Check out her blog for more yummy recipes πŸ˜‰

This week in the kitchen I was OFF my game. I attempted making this Teriyaki Salmon bowl recipe from a link my second mommy Dana sent me. It looks nice right!? Well before this masterpiece creation… I attempted to toast the seaweed and sesame seeds in the “fish grill”. First time they became really really burnt. So I tried a second time and made sure to check it more frequently but NOOOO it went on fire!!! Thankfully KK came to the rescue and helped me blow it out… not doing that again.

it took us a while to get to this point...
it took us a while to get to this point…

It wasn’t bad but I had higher expectations… oh well, cooking is an experiment!

Another kitchen nightmare happened on Friday and was a horrible start to my day. I decided to sleep in 10 extra minutes because 1. It’s Friday 2. I stayed at school later than normal the night before and got a lot done. Since I’ve been on my shake grind I started making my shake once I got dressed. I was about to put the greens in the blender when I see the milk and iced coffee I had put in the shake pouring EVERYWHERE. Basically a tsunami in my kitchen. The blender is on top of the microwave stand so naturally it went through the blender, in between the drawers AND all over the floor. My worst nightmare.

I don’t know about you- but things spilling is one of my biggest pet peeves. So after cleaning up the tsunami I made my shake and tried to brush it off. Since there was no more milk after the spillage I decided to make tea, also in hopes that it would help me calm down. I went to check that the lid was closed and naturally it wasn’t and it spilled all over the floor and I burned myself. HAPPY FRIDAY TO ME EH?! … I digress.

how did it get so big!?
how did it get so big!? I don’t hate it

Wednesday I was a slacker and skipped yoga for the first time -__- I was just WIPED and knew I needed a nap. I made up for it by working out Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and hopefully later today πŸ™‚ I’ve been into more yoga and playing around with Zumba, Drums Alive, and circuits at home. My ankle has been acting up lately so I really need to listen to my body! (Still a work in progress)

I met up with everyone after yoga to go to our weekly Wednesday dinner! We went to a Japanese grill type of place. It was just like the one we went to when we first got here so it was major deja vu!

ya know, just a random assortment of fruits and veggies
ya know, just a random assortment of fruits and veggies- BEST fruit I have had since I’ve been here
grillin' time!!
grillin’ time!!
couldn't tell you what half of that is
couldn’t tell you what half of that is

We got one soba noodle dish, one pancake-y dish, and one veggie-y dish…

fryers in action!
fryers in action!
Kelli and I!
Kelli and I!

I was grading the students pre-assessment (test to see what they know before we start a unit) on shapes and I had to share these great responses with you.

this is creativity right here
this is creativity right here
oh a mexagon? That's a new one!
oh a mexagon? That’s a new one!


my lovely little artist student :)
my lovely little artist student πŸ™‚

Friday we went out to an American bar called Shooter’s to celebrate our friend Leah’s birthday!

I went for the guac burger... risk taker
I went for the guac burger… risk taker

I learned my lesson because last time I got a salad here and you just don’t do that at an American bar…

was thinking of my brother Alex when I saw these Bose speakers (he just started working there this year) See you're with me Al all the way here in Japan!
was thinking of my brother Alex when I saw these Bose speakers (he just started working there this year) See you’re with me Al all the way here in Japan!

Onto yesterday: PAPER LANTERN FESTIVAL!! We went to Mino in Gifu prefecture for this annual paper lantern festival. That prefecture is known for their paper making that they use to make lanterns and lots of other things! It was about 1 hour-1 hour and 30 minutes away and I’m so glad we went!

only in Japan
only in Japan
this went on for SOOO long!!
this went on for SOOO long!!

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this is no joke paper toilet weaving... do they make the toilet paper too?!?
this is no joke paper toilet weaving… do they make the toilet paper too?!?
stopped at a cafe :)
stopped at a cafe πŸ™‚
Risk taker yet again...
Risk taker yet again…

Strangest combo but actually not bad. In the bowl was cooked sweet potato, the sweet red beans, and wakabe cake I think it was called? Tasted like mochi (the rice that’s beat to become a more solid form and mushy) On the side that red thing tasted like an olive and the other things were like salty crunchy seaweed… interesting to say the least.

up close and personal seeing someone at work!
up close and personal seeing someone at work!

There were SO many side shops and I just wanted to buy everything!! I got a little something for myself and a gift for someone πŸ™‚ Everything was so beautiful though it was really tempting to just buy it all

b e a uuuu tiful day!
b e a uuuu tiful day!
sweet potato fries in a cup with chopsticks... YES
festivals = street food… sweet potato fries in a cup with chopsticks… YES
I found my new home...
I found my new home…


This place was so Zen I just kept saying I want to move in… could you imagine sleeping there or having a yoga room!?! SO COOL


These pictures don’t even do this place justice…Β IMG_2072

how cute!?
how cute!?


showing us how she makes the lanterns!
a middle schooler made this!!
a middle schooler made this!!

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At 5 PM they turned the lights on which was so cool to actually see them lit up!

this was one of my favorites, it had the different seasons on it :)
this was one of my favorites, it had the different seasons on it πŸ™‚


how cute!?
how cute!?
I wish I could have bought all of these ...
I wish I could have bought all of these …

Anywho, off to go be a real person and do sunday chores… BUT SHERRY (my cousin) WILL BE HERE NEXT WEEKEND!!!! EEEEEEK SO EXCITED!!

Sayonara for now! πŸ™‚

Typhoon Day!

Konnichiwa! こんにけは

So this weekend flew by AND we had a nice surprise of having Monday off! There was a typhoon that was supposed to hit us last night until tomorrow morning but it was pretty much gone (whatever even hit) by 10 AM. BUT I’M NOT COMPLAINING!!

Last night I did the happy dance and KK and I were jumping up and down screaming “typhoon typhoon!!!” Clearly we must have been so loud because the neighbors below us gave us a nice knock to to be quiet… whooooopsies.

Another thing I’m not used to from the school is systems that seem like they take way longer than they should. Or maybe I’m spoiled from my past experiences? For example, if the school is closed we use phone chains/trees to contact everyone in case they don’t check their e-mail. So this means I am a part of 2 phone trees. There is a staff one where I get called by someone and then I call someone else. They are broken up into different sections and then the last people contact the person at the top. For my class I call 3 different people and they continue on calling another person, and the madness continues when the last person calls me, then I call the principal… yikes. This can be quite frustrating especially when people don’t answer there phone. Ah, just another fun thing to get used to in Japan, right?

ANYWHO, Saturday we got ish doneeee… We hit up 3 different stores- Tachiya (the farmer’s market place), Effe (international store), and Aeon (store with food/things-aka Walmart of Japan).

how many people live here? Oh yeah, 2!
how many people live here? Oh yeah, 2!
Let's play a guessing game- do you know any of these veggies?
Let’s play a guessing game- do you know any of these veggies?
Okay, I officially like the sweet potatoes here!
Okay, I officially like the sweet potatoes here!

I finally roasted that HUGE Japanese sweet potato we’ve had for a few weeks and some regular potatoes KK bought last week. I just used olive oil, salt, and pepper. On one little section I actually did some curry… not going to lie it was BOSS! So great to have on hand as a little snack πŸ™‚


For those of you that know, I LOVE my shakes. Love is probably an understatement. But I seriously went through a moral dilemma before I came here if I was going to ship my blender. My parents just got me a Ninja for my 21stΒ birthday so I’m a bit of a blender snob I guess you can say. But HEY it’s worth the investment. So this Panasonic blender was on sale from $140 to $100 and I thought it was worth shot. Guess what?! It works like a charm.

even a jar to store things like my favorite: GINGER
even came with 2 of these jars to blend things. I used it for our garlic/ginger. You can also store things like my favorite: GINGER
I still don't know what these extra parts do yet.. toothbrush to clean it? hmmm
I still don’t know what these extra parts do yet.. toothbrush to clean it? hmmm
You can tell I was just a little happy...
You can tell I was just a little happy…
spices from a mom of one my students! Can't wait to use these next week :)
spices from a mom of one my students! Can’t wait to use these next week πŸ™‚

Since I can’t find spinach or kale I used those mysterious greens pictured above, some iced coffee, milk, 1 TBSP pb, 1 TBSP chia seeds, 1 packet of Vega Chocolate protein powder, sprinkle of: nutmeg, ground cloves, ginger, and cinnamon, 1/2 TBSP honey blend and just smile πŸ™‚

After chopping away like slaves to prep for the week and laundry it was time to go out! I forced myself to put on my fun pants and not be a grandma…

adventure time... yes we were pre-gaming on the bus
adventure time… yes we were pre-gaming on the bus
this is what happens when you can't read Japanese
this is what happens when you can’t read Japanese.. this was supposed to be a train stationΒ 
Plastic Factory... oh
Plastic Factory… oh
this was classy...
this was classy…

We didn’t get home until 3 AM -___- I’m still struggling with the fact I haven’t found places I enjoy to go on the weekends. So far all I have seen are karaoke and clubs like this. Not exactly my cup of tea. I also hate that you can either go home at 12 AM or 5 AM orrrr take a $60 cab ride home… not cool. Blah, hopefully in due time I’ll explore me!

Sunday was quite hungover full of planning for school, laying horizontally until I decided it was time to get out of the house! We have been talking about getting massages for a while so we did it! We signed a disclaimer, can you see why I might have taken a picture of this?

possible of the gangster... oh okay
possible the gangsters is someone who can’t be served … oh okay
nice and relaxed :) this will be a monthly thing!
nice and relaxed πŸ™‚ this will be a monthly thing!

The best part was I was wearing leggings and they needed to get to my legs. (We decided to try 45 minutes- half on feet/calves and half on upper back) So they gave me shorts to try on. Naturally, everything here is so small so I wore a large and they were like men’s basketball shorts I looked like a straight up GOON.

My masseuse was named Hannah and he had hands of gold. It was only about $28… quite the bargain! Afterwards we went straight next door for some Ton-Ton

side of fried rice!
side of fried rice!

THEN SCHOOL WAS CANCELLED YAYYYYY!!! I slept for almost 10 hours and it was fabulous. Then I facetimed with my good friend Adam πŸ™‚ Next was adventure time!!! We went for a bike ride to our favorite park, did some yoga and biked back. It felt sooo nice to be active and be in the sunshine….

park time!!
park time!!
workin on that hollow back
workin on that hollow back


I finally dropped back into wheel! YAY for small improvments!
I finally dropped back into wheel! YAY for small improvements!


I’m off to get a little crafty and make some flashcards for Japanese trivia tonight hehe …

Sayonara for now! πŸ™‚

Where does time go?!

Ohayo Gozaimasu! (Good morning!)

I apologize for no mid-week post but this was one of those struggle bus weeks. When I say that I mean have you ever felt like you were just so over tired and run down you felt like Rasputen from Anastasia? I just kept feeling like my foot was going to fall off, or my head was going to fly across the room. If you haven’t seen Anastasia, I question our friendship… it’s officially on Netflix go check it out.

But YAY it’s the weekend so hopefully I can catch up on some sleep! Here are some highlights from the past week πŸ™‚

Tried a new Chinese place on Sunday after KK picked me up from the train station!
Tried a new Chinese place on Sunday after KK picked me up from the train station!
went to a lovely park to relax :)
went to a lovely park to relax πŸ™‚

Picniccu’s (picnics) and parks seem to be a huge thing here in Japan! Lots of families are always there whenever we go

how beautiful!?
how beautiful!? simple but perfect.Β 
BYE SEPTEMBER!! Maybe one day I’ll be able to do that…
Hello Kitty letter from my student = priceless... She wanted to know how my weekend in Tokyo was :)
Hello Kitty letter from one of my students = priceless… She wanted to know how my weekend in Tokyo was πŸ™‚
getting pictures like this from my parents from their new lakehouse makes me want to teleport home...
getting pictures like this from my parents from their new lakehouse makes me want to teleport home…
Anddddd the puppies got some bones!! Hi Charles!
Anddddd the puppies got some bones!! Hi Charles!
Watch out- Jackson isn't so nice when he has a bone... but I still miss him
Watch out- Jackson isn’t so nice when he has a bone… but I still miss him

This week KK was the chef of the house!! I was so proud of her, I feel like she is my chef in training. Since I came back late this past weekend she went food shopping and did the food prep all by herself! It’s a lot of work to do even together so I was very thankful and proud of her!

Night #1- Tofu, Chickpea, and Veggie Curry with garlic naan!
Night #1- Tofu, Chickpea, and Veggie Curry with garlic naan! I added lots of siracha of course πŸ™‚ I think this was my favorite from the week! VEGGIES ON VEGGIESΒ 
Night #2- Kimchi Chicken Curry with noodles
Night #2- Kimchi Chicken Curry with noodles
Treats from the mom of one of my students that she made in her baking class!! So thoughtful. One was chocolate chip and the other was onion something...?
Treats from the mom of one of my students that she made in her baking class!! So thoughtful. One was chocolate chip and the other was onion something…?

After post-yoga on Wednesday’s we always go out to eat to celebrate being halfway done! This week no one else wanted to go though!! 😦 So Sad. So just KK and I hit up our favorite place…

PARIWAR... You know it is too good when we end up there twice in one week
PARIWAR… You know it is too good when we end up there twice in one week

Yup, andddd we went there last night again! I knew I was so tired and just wanted to go home. But by the time Friday rolls around I don’t really want to cook/we usually don’t have much left. So, Pariwar sounded perfect… and it was. Put me into a food coma sleep πŸ™‚


I’ve been loving the weather as it starts to get less humid and just a bit cooler, still with some sun πŸ™‚ I want to use the leaves to mod podge them onto a mason jar and put a candle inside… to be continued this weekend!

My biggest dilemma you might ask? HALLOWEEN COSTUME IDEAS. Halloween is taken pretty seriously here so we are told so I neeeeed a costume idea. We have been researching but I haven’t fallen in love yet. Slash I don’t want it to have to take too much time or spend too much money. So far I’m debating going the crazy route of being an oompa loompa, someone from Pokemon… I hope you think they are as hilarious as I do. But really… comment on this and give me suggestions please!!

Night #3! Roasted Zucchini and Tomatoes with garlic and parmesan with sides of rice and sauteed pickled (I think) spinach and chicken!
Night #3! Roasted Zucchini and Tomatoes with garlic and parmesan with sides of rice and sauteed pickled (I think) spinach and chicken!Β 

This week there were two super exciting moments in the classroom:

1. We had an Authors Celebration so the parents were invited in to celebrate their child’s first Narrative piece in 2nd grade. They have been working on this story for about 7 weeks now! The students were able to read their stories, we did a toast, and they enjoyed some snacks/drinks. It was very special and nice to have the parents really see how hard they’ve been working!

2. They finished their windows in the world from this first unit and did oral presentations on Friday! They worked so hard and learned a lot about other cultures in the classroom. It was interesting to see how they were much more confident presenting without their parents there… they were so nervous and shy with them there! It came out as a great display and I will post a picture next time πŸ™‚

Thailand treats from one of their presentations! Elephant chocolate and peanut butter cookies nomnomnom
Thailand treats from one of their presentations! Elephant chocolate and peanut butter cookies nomnomnom
❀ it’s the little things

Off to attempt to fast as long as possible for Yom Kippur, and just catch up on sleep and do errands.Have a great weekend!

Sayonara for now!