Bottom line: you have to do you

こんにちは konnichiwa

So as promised here is an update of my first haircut in Japan!! I showed them a picture of my hair from  college graduation because I loved going shorter. Butttt I think I was being too ballsy and this is the shortest it’s ever been since I was probably in pre-school. I’m still a little hesitant about it but I think I love it 🙂 My head feels 10 times lighter and I think I will be really thankful for this when I’m sweating my butt off in Thailand.

no shame post haircut selfie

After one night this weekend we drove by to check out this hidden street with houses lit up like CRAZY.

this is absolutely crazy
Who eats these? Is it a snack?? I don’t get it

So we did end up going to the monk fire festival. However, it was FREEZING and also pretty much pouring rain most of the time. When we got there we got to see this amazing drum show. The performers were in tank tops and they were going harddddd. There faces had pure joy written all over them I just wanted to jump up and join them!!!

IMG_3784 IMG_3786 IMG_3787


However, after the drumming, tasting some hot sake, and seeing the shrines we still had over an hour wait until the pre-ceremony for the fire festival actually started. I was tired and cold so I couldn’t rationalize standing there freezing. But I lived vicariously through the pictures of the people that did stay!

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Pretty crazy huh?? I bet it actually probably felt soo good considering it was so cold outside in the rain! Apparently this is supposed to be a cleansing process for them, so it was interesting to see a ritual so different from anything I’ve ever seen before. One of the 2nd grade students in the other class lives here and her dad is a monk! How crazy is that?? Such an interesting life!

Food trials of the week:

This week we stuck to as little food as possible because we were nervous about buying too much since we both leave for a 3 week break this weekend!

We had a ridiculous amount of veggies from last week so I made a bumpin’ stirfry with broccoli, peppers, mushrooms, zucchini with rice and a peanut teriyaki sauce I made. We had so much we even invited Leah and Anna over for lunch! Spreading the food love 🙂


roasted sweet potatoes with stuffed pesto/goat cheese baked chicken, and roasted carrots and tomatoes with pesto!


Please ignore the blurry pic (stupid lifeproof case) but I tried adding kiwi and avocado to my smoothie and it was DEEEEEELISH! Made it creamy with the avo and the kiwi added some sweetness.. I love switching things up 🙂

Last night after yoga (much needed) we switched things up and headed to a nearby Korean place. We usually always do Kappa, the conveyer sushi place on Wednesday’s butttt it was time for a change. We ordered a small side of kimchi and each ordered the bimbimbop. No idea if that’s how you spell it but that’s how it sounds. It’s lots of veggies and an egg served in this burning hot bowl…

Then you mix it around so the egg cooks and voila there you have it!! It’s so delish 🙂



I’m not gonna lie but I was actually nervous what Hanukkah would be like here. It’s one of those holidays that I just picture myself being with my family. But I’m glad that between my students and Katiria, I felt like I was at home here with a new family 🙂

Since our current unit is “How We Express Ourselves” the students are learning about signs, symbols, and symbolism and how people use them to communicate. A lot of them are interested in religious symbols so we thought this week was a perfect time to explore some different holidays. Plus, it’s interesting and fun which 2nd grade is all about!! I was super pumped to teach them about Hanukkah. I couldn’t find my favorite book I used to read growing up but I found another one that I got to read about them that told the story behind the holiday. Then they learned what the letters mean: Nes Gadol Hayah Sham means a big miracle happened there! Then they made their own paper dreidels and we got to play. I didn’t have any gelt just some fun pencils and green tea/dark chocolate kit kats. They were SO excited, it was adorable!

blurry pic but Exhibit A: a happy teacher with a dreidel!
Happy Hanukkah note from my student, so thoughtful it warms my heart ❤

Now this is when you know you have an amazing friend… Katiria MADE me a menorah!! So creative and so thoughtful. Now I’m able to light the candles here!


Even though I didn’t have my Grandma’s recipe or her here to help me :(, they still turned out pretty nommy if you ask me. I did it the old fashion way of peeling and grating them by hand but they were made with love. I even brought some in for all the kids to try them.. they were in loveeeee too. They really boosted my confidence of cooking skills.


Today we have a snow day and I couldn’t be happier!! I’m so checked out and ready for break so this was a gift from the gods. Time to relax, finish packing, and clean since we won’t be back for a couple of weeks.

On another note and the main reason for this post is I’ve made my decision about staying next year. It’s not an easy one but just like coming here- I need to listen to my gut feeling. I feel honored that I was offered a contract to stay for 2 years as a full time teacher. I absolutely love my class and I feel like I’ve learned so much already since I’ve been here. But, I still feel like teaching abroad isn’t fitting the dream that I had envisioned. I pictured myself traveling more and being able to meet new people. But really I feel like most of the time I’m stuck in a bubble. Don’t get me wrong I’ve had amazing experiences, and I know there are still more in store for the rest of the year! But when it comes down to it, you need to do you is what I’m realizing. It’s okay when the path changes from what you thought it would be (still reminding myself of this daily). But I certainly don’t want to make work my life, because if I’m not happy as a person with my social life, then I won’t be a happy teacher.

So for those of you who didn’t know, I’ll be returning back this summer… and we shall see what’s next! 🙂 Who knows, maybe I’ll come back to teach abroad somewhere down the road, but for now this is my next step on my journey of life.

More to come after Thailand and Tokyo with my parents!!!

insert me here !!!


さようなら sayonara for now 🙂


THAILAND: one week.

こんにちは konnichiwa!

With holiday break coming up all I can think about is MOM, DAD, AND THAILAND!! I keep envisioning sunshine, me on top of an elephant wearing cool funky elephant pants. With that said, this week is going to be really hard to get through. I’m hoping it goes by quickly!

Anywho, here are some recent updates:

DVD store... so weird to see American things in Japanese
DVD store… so weird to see American things in Japanese


Shopping downtown!
Shopping downtown!

Last Sunday night on the whim Katiria and I decided to head down for some holiday shopping. Plus Katiria has been surviving with a North Face fleece as a coat… not okay for this time of year! So we tried driving downtown because we thought it would be easier than taking the train. BUT of course the GPS stops working in tunnels and we didn’t realize that so we missed the exit!! – ____- It ended up taking about an hour an a half-ish when it should have only been about 35 minutes.


It was beautifully light downtown and we got to go to Uniqlo, Old Navy (which surprisingly has a lot of cute stuff here!), and Starbucks for some special gifts. Japan definitely takes their Christmas lighting pretty seriously from what I’ve seen. Speaking of holidays, last night we had our staff holiday party!

It was at the American bar Shooters downtown which we’ve been to a handful of times. However, the food was definitely a disappointment. We paid $45 for unlimited food and alcohol but the food was pretty much like slop. There were nachos that I don’t even think had cheese on them. There was a cous cous salad that tasted like someone ate it and spat it back out. There was also a chicken parm with french fries on top… interesting selection right? At least there was unlimited drinks for three hours… now I know for next time to eat beforehand at an event like this.


It was very fun being able to let loose with people who I don’t really know that well. Highlight of the night was definitely the Secret Santa. I was number 35 which was great because I got to see allll the gifts get opened and then I could decide if I wanted to steal or open up one of the last gifts. I kept trying to steal either the wine, this comfy blanket, or chocolates. But everyone kept stealing from me so I ended up with this cool french press from England! Not too shabby 🙂 This was my first holiday party and my first time wearing an ugly x-mas vest… it was lots of fun!


Of course recent food because you know that’s my favorite 🙂 


Last week we hit up Pariwar and tried 2 new things! The top reminded me of a knish with potato and veggies, it was pretty good! I loveddd the chicken (below) it had a little of a kick and a mystery green sauce that went with it that reminded me of an aioli that was nomtastic.



This was my random concoction of what was supposed to be miso soup. I wasn’t really feeling soup so instead I did a mini-stir fry of broccoli, tofu, garlic, and ginger with miso paste! Sprinkled some slivered almonds on top.. this was a winner!


Soo I noticed whenever I try to re-make a recipe it almost never turns out the same here. Either because I don’t have all the ingredients so I improvise or I forget something I might have added the first time. That’s exactly what happened with this one- I tried to make that Chicken Lime Avocado Soup again. But our avos weren’t ripe yet so we missed out on that. Instead I used a little bit more chicken broth, and added chili powder this time which gave it a nice kick of flavor.

IMG_3756A combo plate for lunch of amazing leftovers: Quinoa “fried rice”, roasted sweet potatoes and a green bean/snap pea salad with salmon! I loveddd substituting the rice with quinoa- it was so much lighter and so tasty. That salad also was AMAZING and happened by accident. I didn’t have all the ingredients as last time when I made that green bean, walnut, feta salad. We had lots of goat cheese and there weren’t enough green beans at the store so I made it my own and I loved it 🙂 I used green beans, snap peas, cucumbers, tomatoes and used a dressing of olive oil, lemon, balsamic vinegar, salt/pepper. Then I sprinkled goat cheese on top 🙂

Things that have been making me happy: 

how cute is this little tree!?
how cute is this little tree!?

I love admiring the gardens and random landscape on the way to school. This little tree was so cute 🙂


Doggies checking out the new house! I can’t believe in just a few more weeks it’s really a goodbye to my home!!


Pups got new beds!!! They look so cute all snuggled up I wish I could teleport into this picture.



Yesterday I woke up to this post on instagram from Chelc and I started crying… I really have the best friends ever 🙂 LOVE YOU CHELC!!

PS- She recently posted this article and it sums up our friendship for sure. If you are still friends with your college friends read this now:

IMG_3725Exhibit B: my friend Adam sent me an early Hanukkah package with a few of my favorite things!! Justin’s almond butter and yogi tea! Truly feeling the love from afar! Thanks Adam ❤

Alright this girl needs to get a move on with her day.. tomorrow we are going to a monk festival! I’m also going to attempt to get a haircut so I’ll let you know how that goes…More on that later in the week 🙂

さようなら sayonara

Goodbye Fall, Hello Winter

こんにちは Konnichiwa!

I seriously can’t believe that December is here. It feels like it was yesterday that I arrived here in August. That means it’s going on 5 months… ABSOLUTELY CRAZY. But the countdown until my parents arrives has already begun, and we will be reuniting in Bangkok in exactly 2 weeks from today!!!! I can’t wait to squeeze them, be somewhere warm, and go to a place I’ve been dying to visit!

Here is a recap of activities the past week:

insane to think it’s snowing now because last weekend it was SOOO warm I was in shorts and a tank!
our new purchase this week.. FROZEN TISSUES!!!
our new purchase this week.. FROZEN TISSUES!!!

We left a little too late to go food shopping because we had to rush back to make our dishes for our second Thanksgiving pot luck! I was making a walnut pomegranate feta salad and Katiria was making her family’s specialty of Puerto Rican version of egg nog, Coquito. We had to park at a shopping parking lot and then walk since there is zero parking in Japan. We ended up being an hour late, we suck :(. Buttttt there was still food on the bright side which was good! My favorites on the plate were a quinoa salad someone made and these homemade pumpkin dumplings I believe. Super nom!

Sangria was POPPIN'
Sangria was POPPIN’

This sangria had soo much fruit and spices in it, it was divine. Lots of alcohol so it was one of those drinks it was so good you kept slurping and you had to really keep count of how many cups you have had.




I was super proud of us because after doing some school work on Sunday, we forced ourselves to actually go on a day trip!! We went to Korankei fall foliage festival in Asuke, near Toyota. It should have only been an hour away but since it was such a popular event, the traffic was super bad once we got closer. Bumper to bumper barely moving on this small, teeny, tiny road it was so frustrating. It ended up taking a little over 2 hours so we got there when it was still light out but the sun was starting to go down. We booked it and walked as fast as we could to get to all of the perfect spots to see the lights and get some good pictures!

We ran into these two pups in this rolly basket that were so funny. I have about 10 pictures of that one dog climbing on top of the other one it was hilarious


leaf nose hehe 


They had this little market area with arts stuff for sale and a random farmer’s market? But this one booth had me in awe and made me think of my brother, Brett. He used to love pottery and especially animals! How cute is the frog laying back in that one bowl just chillin!


cooked Taro root (I think?) with spices that was a fab snack


who eats that?? fish with mayonnaise on a stick I believe


Found another awesome snack! It was like a yatsuhashi roll with sweet potato filling and cinnamon flavoring on the outside… I officially like Japanese desserts!

NOW THE MAIN EVENT: LEAVES ON LEAVES ON LEAVES. If you weren’t aware, I am a tree lover. Yup, I said it. The colors of the trees and different kinds of leaves just leave me like a kid in a candy store. I think it’s absolutely beautiful, so naturally this place was my heaven. Take a look for yourself!


KK and I 🙂


leaves at night by the water
next time we will get a pole so we can do selfies on a stick like the Japanese











Such a worthwhile trip!!! I’m in love with all of the pictures and it was fun to get out 🙂 But I guess it’s time to say goodbye to fall because it’s currently snowing AHHH!

Here are some more random shots from this week:

I told one of my students, Sorami I wanted to learn Frozen in Japanese and she went ahead and wrote it for me!! I have my work cut out for me
Kimchi ramen
Pariwar Wednesday’s!!! MY HAPPY PLACE
this is what Japanese class looks like… I’m drowning

Not gonna lie, as it looks like I might not be here next week I have less motivation to study Japanese. It’s super cool but it makes me head spin, it’s a lot to take on with work too.

This salad was BOSS- thai quinoa salad. I used a recipe but kinda made it our own, it was one of those awesome recipes that it’s soo crunchy and tastes so healthy. Even better with a glass of wine on the side 😉



Throwback to Monday where we had a sushi party! Super fun to do with other people 🙂

Plus the best part of making sushi with other people is that when everyone makes different rolls you get to try a bit of everything!

Also this has been my new favorite song, don’t judge cause it’s the ABC’s just check it out:

Happiness in a song! Check it out 

Anywho it’s time to go back to real life and go food shopping and go to school to work on report cards 😦 So close to being done! 

さようなら sayonara!!