Where has time gone?


So weird to think that I’ll be saying hello in Japanese and bowing occasionally for only so much longer. I am leaving in less than three weeks HOLY MOLY.

I apologize for the hiatus in writing but things have been absolutely crazy! Between the job hunt which is actually looking pretty positive right now, (possibly hello New York!) report cards and end of the year assessments, packing things up to move out, etc. it’s been a never ending roller coaster of constant moving.

I pictured this last month to be different. My anticipation was to travel more and revisit a couple of the places I’ve really loved to make the most of every single bit of time. But truthfully any free time I get I just want to sleep 😩 So I’m actually really glad we didn’t plan too much because most weekends have been packed with Skype interviews or planning/grading at school hours on hours.

We have done a couple of fun things though lately. I enjoyed going over another families house of one of my students. She taught us how to make gimbap which we have done before with Chioko (our cooking teacher) but this time I liked it more actually! We made sooo much and as always it was fun to hang out with 2 of our students (since they were having a sleepover) outside of school. We kicked their butts in Uno 😉


check out that huge roll
check out that huge roll
little Caroline <3
little Caroline ❤

Feast your eyes on all the yumminess…

IMG_0058 IMG_0059 IMG_0060 IMG_0061
This food made me feel a bit better about missing out on food in Seoul!

Another fun event we went to recently was the NIS Walkathon which is their biggest fundraiser of the year. It was a gorgeous day outside and there were tons of vendors, music and people!! The trail was very short like about a 20 minute walk or so in total but it was just so great to be outside. 🙂

walking selfie!
walking selfie!
we found Maya!
we found Maya!

Things are slowly falling into place and I’m hoping to start enjoying the end of the year and the bliss it can bring this upcoming week. It became more of a reality this week when I had to say goodbye to one of my students who is moving back to South Africa :(. I’m definitely not good at goodbyes I usually like to say, “I’ll see you soon” or “until next time” because emotions either hit me like a wave and I’m a mess but usually it takes some time until I’m removed from the situation for it to sink in.

I have a feeling that is going to be the same situation with leaving NIS. I miss my family and friends so much I’m really eager and excited about going home. But I know once I get home I’m going to miss certain people here from teachers, parents and of course the kiddos. I know I’ll definitely be missing about 99% of the things mentioned in this article as well http://en.rocketnews24.com/…/sweet-sorrow-21-little-things…/  (Definitely worth the read especially if you’ve visited or lived in Japan)

silly faces
silly faces
picture for Caroline's goodbye card
picture for Caroline’s goodbye card
their end of the year gift they don't know about yet ;)
their end of the year gift they don’t know about yet 😉
Caroline's goodbye party!
Caroline’s goodbye party!
she's too cute I can't handle it !!! Caroline-san haha
she’s too cute I can’t handle it !!! Caroline-san haha

I’m not ready to write my goodbye post yet but for now trying to enjoy the ending of school. One of the most exciting parts is seeing how much the students have grown over the year. It’s absolutely amazing to see the progress they make!

I’m also looking forward to going to Okinawa next weekend as our last big hooray! We are taking off Monday as a personal day and hopefully the weekend will be full of sunshine, beach, snorkeling and kayaking! 🙂 just what I need!

That’s all for now hopefully next time I check in I will have an official job! For now we have officially sold our car YIPEEEEE! Slowly but surely it’s all working out 🙂

Sayonara until next time ❤

One thought on “Where has time gone?

  1. I just cant believe you will be leaving so soon 😔 We will miss you ! The thought that I wont be seeing you in NIS next school year is already making me feel sad 😢 Hopefully our paths will cross again someday someplace !

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