It’s Important to Be Patient With Yourself

こんにちは Konnichiwa

This post is going to be all over the place but so much as happened since I’ve been home so I’ll try to sum it up in a couple of categories:

1. good food (if you haven’t caught on yet from my blog posts, good food is a big part of my life)

2. seeing friends and family

3. thoughts on adjusting back to home

Let’s start with the yummy stuff 😉 Good food since I’ve been home…

eats from Broadway Bites!
eats from Broadway Bites!
eats from Broadway Bites! Burnt end chilli nachos and pad thai
eats from Broadway Bites! Burnt end chilli nachos and pad thai
this doesn't look appetizing but bean curd corn soup from the one and only Veggie Heaven
this doesn’t look appetizing but bean curd corn soup from the one and only Veggie Heaven
=) Fresh Garden Walnut dish, Spicy Girl dish, sauteed spinach and garlic and brown rice NOMMM
=) Fresh Garden Walnut dish, Spicy Girl dish, sauteed spinach and garlic and brown rice NOMMM
the spread at home from the welcome home party
the spread at home from the welcome home party
WHITE SANGIRA! Dad's mastered this thanks to Bobby Flay's recipe courtesy of google
WHITE SANGIRA! Dad’s mastered this thanks to Bobby Flay’s recipe courtesy of google
Mom and I are really starting to master this entertaining thing...
Mom and I are really starting to master this entertaining thing… 
Peruvian Fries from V-street in Philly. This place was EPIC! Vegetarian tapas and very affordable :) Highly recommend it
Peruvian Fries from V-street in Philly. This place was EPIC! Vegetarian tapas and very affordable 🙂 Highly recommend it
Moosewoods in Ithaca, NY- healthy options with a focus on vegetarian dishes. Talk about NOM
Moosewoods in Ithaca, NY- healthy options with a focus on vegetarian dishes. Talk about NOM
Moosewoods in Ithaca, NY- fava bean dip!
Moosewoods in Ithaca, NY- fava bean dip!
Moosewoods in Ithaca, NY- Artichoke Quesadillas... drooling
Moosewoods in Ithaca, NY- Artichoke Quesadillas… drooling
Peruvian Fries from V-street in Philly. This place was EPIC! Vegetarian tapas and very affordable :) Highly recommend it
Peruvian Fries from V-street in Philly. This place was EPIC! Vegetarian tapas and very affordable 🙂 Highly recommend it
bacon, egg and cheese bagel from Famous 4th Street Bagel
bacon, egg and cheese bagel from Famous 4th Street Bagel
Mollz and I shared this corn beef hash that came up to be 3x the size of our heads. We both took home leftovers. It was pretty nomtastic
Mollz and I shared this corn beef hash that came up to be 3x the size of our heads. We both took home leftovers. It was pretty nomtastic
Ichi-Ban sushi near us at home which I know means number one! YES I admit it I like American sushi way better :)
Ichi-Ban sushi near us at home which I know means number one! YES I admit it I like American sushi way better 🙂
Salads from Casa Nonna near Madison Square Garden
Salads from Casa Nonna near Madison Square Garden
Fish and kale pesto on farfalle from Cassa Nonnna
Fish and kale pesto on farfalle from Cassa Nonnna
vegan truffles by yours truly :)
vegan truffles by yours truly 🙂
Coconut Curry with chickpeas and sweet potatoes
Coconut Curry with chickpeas and sweet potatoes
Papaya Salad from Room Service Thai restaurant in NYC
Papaya Salad from Room Service Thai restaurant in NYC
Green curry with tofu at Room Service :)
Green curry with tofu at Room Service 🙂

Lots of pictures but over the past 6 weeks or so I’ve been catching up on all of the yummy foods I’ve missed most!

2. Seeing friends and family

So I have to admit one of my biggest fears while I was away was that I was going to lose most of my friends when I came back from Japan. It scared me that people would move on and that so much time would have passed that we wouldn’t be able to pick up where we left off.

I’ve learned though this is a part of life. Japan or not, this is going to continue to happen as time goes on. Friends will move, I will move, our jobs and schedules will change… and the fact of the matter is that friendships/relationships can change. As scary as that seems to me now, it’s a part of life. Because with that, new friendships are born with new experiences so the love in our life is constantly growing.

Mollz came to the lakehouse!
Mollz came to the lakehouse!
tubing with my girl
tubing with my girl

I was so overwhelmed with love when getting back to Japan because everyone was so eager to make plans and see me. Luckily to my surprise as well it felt like I was picking up right where I left off with these wonderful humans.

Met Chelc and enjoyed some mimosas
Met Chelc and enjoyed some mimosas
Visiting my Grandma and doing her nails :) She likes being with the in crowd with blue nail polish like me hehe
Visiting my Grandma and doing her nails 🙂 She likes being with the in crowd with blue nail polish like me hehe
Saw Kristin in Philly! We were supposed to see Dave Matthews Band but unfortunately couldn't go because it was raining too much :( Still so nice to see her though!!
Saw Kristin in Philly! We were supposed to see Dave Matthews Band but unfortunately couldn’t go because it was raining too much 😦 Still so nice to see her though!!
bahahaha I was staying with Katie a lot here and there when I had to go into NYC for work. I gave her a Japanese face mask and it was just as hilarious as the first time :)
bahahaha I was staying with Katie a lot here and there when I had to go into NYC for work. I gave her a Japanese face mask and it was just as hilarious as the first time 🙂
Yes, King Charles is family <3 He's my handsome model
Yes, King Charles is family

As you saw in the last post, I’ve been lucky enough to come home to a beautiful new home ON DA LAKE! My parents moved this past year from the house I grew up in my entire life. As weird as it is sometimes, it is simply beautiful and I’m still pinching myself. I’m currently writing outside on the deck listening to the water of the stream and overlooking the calm water glistening in the sun. I feel very grateful.

Katie and I conquering headstands on the SUP's
Katie and I conquering headstands on the SUP’s
Seeing my broskis for my cousin Laura's wedding!
Seeing my broskis for my cousin Laura’s wedding!

Seeing my brothers was also so nice. I’ve always been very close to my family and adjusting to communicating or lack there of with my brothers was hard this year. We had different schedules and we barely got to catch up at all while I was away. This is a big thing I’m still working on. I’m a huge communicator. I like to stay in touch and know what the people I care about are up to. I know not all people are like that, and I’m working on accepting people who like to communicate differently than I do. But especially with my brothers it hurt and I’ve been holding a grudge because we barely talked this year. I also have to remember they are boys… their brains are just different right? And most importantly, there’s no point in holding onto the past just need to focus on the now.

Got to see my friend Adam in Philly!
Got to see my friend Adam in Philly!

I got to stay with my friend Adam for a couple of nights in Philly and it was so so fun! I don’t know about you, but I really love Philly. It’s less crowded and stinky compared to New York but there are so many fun bars, restaurants, parks, etc. that you can’t go wrong. Even when Adam had to go to work there was plenty for me to explore and entertain myself 🙂

Udel friends and Kat come to visit!
Udel friends and Kat come to visit!

If you can’t tell, I was beaming with happiness. Some of my friends from UDel came to visit and my best friend from high school, Kat came as well! We enjoyed all the lake activities (I even conquered water skiing!!!!!!) plus good food and each other’s company. I’m so blessed to have such special friends in my life.


Pops and I before seeing Kinky Boots on Broadway :)
Pops and I before seeing Kinky Boots on Broadway 🙂

PSA: IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN KINKY BOOTS, BOOK A TICKET NOW. I was literally laughing out loud the whole show. The kind that your abs even hurt.

Kat and I on the boat <3
Kat and I on the boat ❤

3. #Deepthoughtz

My friend Kristin in college had a blog called #Deepthoughtz so I’m gonna bring it back. There have been so many things that I’m still “digesting” since I’ve been home. There have been these moments especially in the beginning where I thought to myself, “Wait, did I even go to Japan? This feels like it was a dream…” But then there were other times where it felt like people had moved on so much that I felt out of the loop and that I would never catch back on. *But as mentioned above, I’m learning to accept that people come in and out of our lives and that is okay.*

The hardest part about being home was adjusting to social situations. In Japan we weren’t around new people often and let’s be real I hung out with the same couple of friends most weekends. So being in larger groups of people and around people I don’t know it’s like social over shock. For anyone who knows me this may sound weird because I’ve always been a social butterfly. BUT this jut goes to show how much your environment can change the way you think and act. I’m working on not overanalyzing the situation and just being myself to meet new people and enjoy the company of those I’m with.

The biggest one is that transitions are HARD. When there is no routine and nothing in life feels particular stable it feels like the ground can fall from underneath you at given moment in time. Granted I am so lucky that as a teacher we have summers off but with transitioning home with so many variables I feel like a juggler in a circus. I’m anxious to move to New York and open this new chapter. Japan was a difficult adjustment for me and I’m nervous I’ll go through something similar to that again. I’m trying to channel my brave self just about a year ago when I had very little worries and was ready to hop onto a plane to go thousands of miles away to work at a school I had never been to and live with a girl who I had never even met. Even though it was challenging, it was an amazing and unforgettable experience. I’m sure New York will challenge me in ways I don’t know of yet, but I’m sure it will also open up new doors for me in many aspects.

Quick update: I found an apartment and will be moving in September 5th!! WOOOO FOR NOT BEING HOMELESS!! I also start training August 17th so I’ll be bopping around at friends apartments until I move in 🙂 Thank goodness for lots of NYC friends who are so caring ❤ I also got moved up to teach 2nd/3rd grade instead of Pre-school which I’m beyond enthusiastic about. I was petrified of teaching Pre-school to be honest. Props to all you teachers out there who do, I don’t think I could!

This quote says it all. Setting up the building blocks for being back in America 🙂

Until next time…have a happy Monday everyone (:

さようなら Sayonara


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