About Me

Hi! My name is Lindsay Irwin but through college pretty much everyone referred to me as Lirwin.  I am a recent college graduate from the University of Delaware.  This next year or so I have many travels and am hoping you will follow along with me for the journey.  (Hopefully the travels will continue after that as well!)


View More: http://robnaylorphotography.pass.us/graduation


Meet my crazy and beautiful Irwin clan!

These are my parents, Benay and Howard:


Way before my time, my parents met at UD.  Dad was in the “friend zone” for quite some time. One Valentine’s Day they were hanging out and she told him he had to leave because her boyfriend was coming over.  She had no idea he really liked her.  He basically confessed his feelings for her, and well here I am! Cheers to the Double Dels 🙂

I have an older brother Alex, the Mechanical Engineer in the family and Brett is my younger brother who is going to Buffalo for Bio-Chemistry … Clearly we come from different worlds right? I definitely did NOT inherit that math/science gene.

Alex (left), and Brett (right)
Alex (left), and Brett (right)

Last but not least, MEET MY DOGS!!!!!! I am quite obsessed with these pups and may or may not talk to them in a dog voice….

Charlie! (or King Charles as we sometimes call him)
Charlie! (or King Charles as we sometimes call him)
Jackson, Charlie’s little follower 🙂

A little more about me:

loveeeee food! I became spoiled this past year as my roomie/best friend Chelcie has a food blog and she cooked AMAZING meals for me.  Before that I cooked on my own but nothing compared to the food she would make. Now it’s time to put my skills to use in the kitchen to make some yummy things!

I also LOVE working out.  I am one of those people that working out is my outlet and I feel better physically and emotionally afterwards.

I am a fitness instructor (Zumba, BodyPump, Kickboxing, Cycle, and soon to be Drums Alive!) and hoping to continue to teach post-grad!

I’m hoping to use this blog to share my love of food/fitness with you as well as my travels and teaching experience as I move to Japan next year to teach 2nd grade! 🙂


One thought on “About Me

  1. Ok my friend! We can try to cook together, share stuff, etc…have you seen our kitchens…:)
    I HATE working out. Seriously. Maybe you can be my inspiration! My goal for year two is to climb Mt. Fuji to see the sunrise. LOL this coming from the girl who has to take a nap after a 30 min gym trip…:(

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